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Delivering local food for the common good.
The Common Market’s Farm-Fresh Box Program was conceived in partnership with our farmer networks as a food access response to COVID-19. Our team carefully procures, packs and delivers farmer boxes of fresh fruits and vegetables, providing a safe and nutritious way to support communities and institutions in meeting critical food access needs.
We deliver individualized, food-safe boxes with minimal handling and maximum efficiency to convenient, community-based aggregation points — hospitals, community centers, childcare facilities, churches, and more. Our driving teams facilitate deliveries of farm fresh food boxes in an efficient, Drop & Go style.
Our local farms pick their harvests at peak ripeness, ensuring your communities go home with highly nourishing, nutrient-dense fruits and vegetables. Pick-ups from our farms are frequent — plus, they are close by, guaranteeing fresh, quality product every time!
"The boxes give families a sense of control. We give a box full of ingredients that they in turn can cook and create meals out of—there’s power in the normalcy of that.” — Sal Valenza, Food Service Director, West New York Schools, NJ
“Farm-Fresh boxes are a safe and convenient way to provide healthy, local produce to communities. Our participants have commented on the excellent quality and the freshness of the produce they receive!" — Sarah Moore, Food for Health Program Manager, Wholesome Wave Georgia
Our Farm-Fresh Box Program is actively meeting the needs of diverse communities — unique across size and makeup, but common among purpose: ensure the health and well-being of their people. From community organizations aiming to address food access needs to healthcare institutions looking to serve patients who may be food insecure. Below is a sample of organizations we are proud to serve:
Despite disruption to food service models caused by COVID-19, schools across our regions continue to play a critical role as anchors in their communities, meeting food insecurity needs with flexibility and care. Our case study explores The Common Market's partnership with five New Jersey school districts and Austin Independent School District and their innovative approaches to food service, which increased healthy food access and participation in meal programs, while supporting small to mid-scale family farms.
Read more here.
"Recognizing the additional struggles many low-income Houstonians are now facing due to the pandemic, the University of Houston College of Medicine and American Heart Association joined forces with The Common Market to deliver 100 boxes of high quality, farm fresh produce to two public housing complexes just blocks from UH."
Recipient Letrivia James called it a “blessing”. “This is amazing. God is so good and I really appreciate it,” she said.
Our friendly and educated team is here to partner with you every step of the way. Connect today to learn of all the ways to partner with The Common Market.
"The Common Market has been wonderful to work with. Not only is the customer service great but the products are also."
— Derick Smith, Culinary / Culinary Purchaser, Cancer Treatment Centers of America