The Common Market in the News

AISD to provide free Texas-grown produce boxes to families during COVID-19 pandemic

FOX7 Austin

"We are thrilled to partner in this new way with Austin ISD," said Margaret Smith, Director at The Common Market Texas. 'At The Common Market, we fully recognize the role high-quality, local food can play in nutrition and overall good health. In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, we are leaning on our mission to serve, and we are proud to be a part of the solution during this challenging time."

AISD to Provide Free Produce Boxes featuring Texas-Grown Foods

Austin Independent School District

“COVID-19 has resulted in food insecurity well beyond what we’ve experienced in the past,” shared Aliya Hussaini MD, MSc, Portfolio Director of Health at the Michael & Susan Dell Foundation. “Austin ISD has made a remarkable pivot, in a time of great uncertainty and need, to serve as a front line healthy food access point for children and families in our community. The Common Market is working nationally to ensure that families receive high-quality, nutritious food while also supporting farmers to distribute their product and support their employees’ livelihoods. This partnership will ensure more healthy food reaches the children and families who need it most.”

College of Medicine and American Heart Association Team Up with The Common Market to Provide Food to Underserved Communities

University of Houston

"Recognizing the additional struggles many low-income Houstonians are now facing due to the pandemic, the University of Houston College of Medicine and American Heart Association joined forces with The Common Market to deliver 100 boxes of high quality, farm fresh produce to two public housing complexes just blocks from UH."

Recipient Letrivia James called it a “blessing”. “This is amazing. God is so good and I really appreciate it,” she said.

Northwest Houston church cooks up a plan to feed furloughed neighbors

Houston Chronicle

"After starting Furlough Kitchen Houston, Bledsoe received a message on social media from the Common Market Texas, a mission-driven distributor of sustainable, local farm foods. The nonprofit donates fresh produce to the church, creating a unique fundraising opportunity. When families purchase The Common Market Texas produce boxes at St. Stephen’s, the sale becomes a donation to help the church continue preparing meals. 'People love the boxes, and they’re really pleased with what’s in them,' Bledsoe said. 'It’s hard to beat super-fresh produce.’"

UH College of Medicine, American Heart Association Team Up to Provide Free Food and Toiletries

University of Houston

Houston’s most vulnerable communities have been hit hard by the COVID-19 crisis. Recognizing their added financial challenges, UH College of Medicine and American Heart Association (AHA) joined forces to deliver 100 boxes of fresh food and 100 boxes of toiletries to residents of Cuney Homes and Royal Palms Apartments. All the food was provided by The Common Market.

The impact of COVID-19 on Texas farmers


In conjunction with the nonprofit, Texas Center for Local Food, in Elgin, The Common Market Texas is delivering thousands of pounds of local produce safely packed in individual boxes. The nonprofit is selling the food boxes; consumers are receiving vegetables and fruit chosen by Central and South Texas farmers. What's inside the box changes every week. The money goes directly to family farms, many of which are hurting due to the coronavirus.

Houston community farms bloom with fresh alternatives to the grocery store

Culture Map Houston

"Houstonians who are more concerned about social distancing or want a more personal connection to their food should consider purchasing directly from a local farm. Sure, it’s great to know what produce is available or how it was grown, but buying directly from a local farm allows people to know who grew their produce."